The Scientific Imaging System for Rosetta
Optical, Spectroscopic, and Infrared Remote Imaging System
OSIRIS (Optical, Spectroscopic, and Infrared Remote Imaging System) is the main scientific imaging system on the orbiter of ESA's Rosetta mission to comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
OSIRIS comprises a high resolution Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) and a Wide Angle Camera (WAC). The NAC is designed to obtain high resolution images of the surface of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko through 12 discrete filters over the wavelength range from 250 to 1000 nm at an angular resolution of 18.6 µrad/px. The WAC is optimised to provide images of the near nucleus environment in 14 discrete filters (240-720 nm) at an angular resolution of 101 µrad/px. Both cameras are equipped with 2048 x 2048 pixel CCD detectors, and have an off-axis optical configuration.
After the launch of Rosetta (2nd March 2004), OSIRIS was commissioned in seven slots between March 2004 and June 2005, and has been activated on several occasions before Rosetta arrives in 2014 at its main target, comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. OSIRIS already performed several important scientific observations:
- A monitoring campaign of comet 9P/Tempel 1 around the Deep Impact event on 4 July 2005 [more]
- A swing-by manoevre at Mars on 26 February 2007 [more]
- The fly-by of asteroid 2867 Steins on 5 September 2008 [more]
- Two Earth swing-bys in Nov. 2007 and Nov. 2009
- The observation of the remnant of a collision between two main-belt asteroids in February 2010 [more]
- The fly-by of asteroid 21 Lutetia on 10 July 2010 [more]
- Early observation of the comet from more than 1AU distance in March 2011.
The OSIRIS cameras were provided by a consortium of 9 institutes from 5 European countries and from ESA, under the leadership of the the Max-Planck-Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) (Principal Investigator: Holger Sierks). The participating institutes of the consortium are:
MPS (Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany), LAM (Marseille, France), UPD (Padova, Italy), IAA (Granada, Spain), University of Uppsala (Sweden), ESTEC (ESA, Noordwijk, The Netherlands), UPM (Madrid, Spain), INTA (Madrid, Spain), IDA (Braunschweig, Germany) [more]
Science Objectives
The main objetive of OSIRIS is to study the physical and chemical processes that occur in, on, and near the cometary nucleus. In particular, OSIRIS allows researchers to determine the outflow of gas and dust from different regions of the cometary nucleus, and to compare active areas with deviations in surface mineralogy, in topography, and in local insolation. The main science objetives of OSIRIS are:
- characterise the size, shape, and density of the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- determine the rotational properties of the comet
- monitor the nucleus activity and evolution over many months at various scales
- study the chemical composition of the nucleus surface
- find a suitable landing spot for Philae, the Rosetta lander
The Instrument
The OSIRIS cameras are unobstructed mirror systems, equipped with two filter wheels containing 8 position each, and with backside illuminated CCD detectors comprising 2048 x 2048 pixels with a pixel size of 13.5 µm. Both cameras use identical image acquisition systems, consisting of the Focal Plane Assembly and the CCD Readout Box. The following two figures show the two OSIRIS cameras (NAC and WAC).
OSIRIS comprises two cameras:
NAC (Narrow Angle Camera)
The Narrow Angle Camera is designed to obtain high-resolution images of the comet at distances from more than 500 000 km down to 1 km (resulting in a resolution of ~2 cm per pixel), and of the asteroids 2867 Steins and 21 Lutetia during the interplanetary cruise. The camera also should be able to detect small ejected particles close to the cometary nucleus (brightness ratio = 1/1000). The NAC is equipped with 12 filters to characterise the reflectivity spectrum of the nucleus surface over a wide spectral range from 250 to 1000 nm. The NAC has a square field of view (FOV) of 2.2 degrees, with an instantaneous field of view (IFOV) of 18.6 µ rad (3.8 arcsec) per pixel, and is a moderately fast system (f/8). The system has a 717 mm focal length. A flat-field, three anastigmatic mirror system is adopted. It has a mass of 13.2 kg.
WAC (Wide Angle Camera)
The principal objective of this camera is to study the intensity of gas emissions and dust-scattered sunlight as functions of position and viewing angle in the vicinity of the nucleus. The WAC is accomplished by 14 filters from 240 to 720 nm. Seven of the narrow band filters isolate gas emissions from the cometary coma; the others filters measure the dust continuum at wavelengths close to that of the gas emissions. The WAC has a FOV of 12x12 degrees, with an angular resolution of 101 µ rad (20.5 arcsec) per pixel, and is a system with a fast focal ratio of f/5.6. The system has a 140 (sag)/131 (tan) mm focal length. Two aspherical mirror system is adopted. It weighs 9.5 kg.
The Team
Holger Sierks |
OSIRIS Principal Investigator |
+49 5556 979 242 |
sierks@mps.mpg.de |
Jessica Agarwal |
Associate Scientist |
Colin Snodgrass |
Associate Scientist |
Cecilia Tubiana |
Associate Scientist |
Jean-Baptiste Vincent |
Associate Scientist |
Nilda Oklay |
Associate Scientist |
Pablo Gutierrez-Marques |
Instrument Operation Manager |
Irene Büttner |
Ground Segment Engineering |
Ian Hall |
Programmer |
Marc Hofmann |
Ph.D. Student |
Sebastian Höfner |
Ph.D. Student |
Jacob Deller |
Ph.D. Student |
Michael Richards |
Quality Assurance |
Daniel Maase |
Computer Maintenance |
Fee von Saltzwedel |
Secretary |
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