List of publications
Last update: April 2022
Publications with Peer Review Process
- A15. Sunrise III: Overview of Observatory and Instruments
Korpi-Lagg, A.; Gandorfer, A.; Solanki, S.K.;et al. (2025) Solar Physics (submitted)
(ADS) (astro-ph)
- A14. Superstrong Magnetic Fields in Sunspot Bipolar Light Bridges
Castellanos Durán, J.S. ; Korpi-Lagg, A.; Solanki, S.K.; van Noort, M. & Milanovic, N. (2025) ApJ Letters 978, L16
(ADS) (astro-ph)
- A13. The MODEST catalog of depth-dependent spatially coupled inversions of sunspots observed by Hinode/SOT-SP
Castellanos Durán, J.S. ; Milanovic, N.; Korpi-Lagg, A.; Löptien, B.; van Noort, M. & Solanki, S.K. (2024) A&A 687, A218
(ADS) (astro-ph)
- A12. globin: A spectropolarimetric inversion code for the coupled inference of atomic line parameters
Vukadinović, D.; Smitha, H.N.; Korpi-Lagg, A.; van Noort, M.;Castellanos Durán, J.S. & Solanki, S.K. (2024) A&A 686, A218
(ADS) (astro-ph)
- A11. The relation between magnetic field inclination and the apparent motion of penumbral grains
Sobotka, M.; Jurčák, J.;Castellanos Durán, J.S. ; García-Rivas, M. (2024) A&A 682, A65
(ADS) (astro-ph)
- A10. Expulsion of Counter Evershed Flows from Sunspot Penumbrae
Castellanos Durán, J.S. ; Korpi-Lagg, A. & Solanki, S.K. (2023) ApJ 952, 162
(ADS) (astro-ph)
- A9. Firefly: The Case for a Holistic Understanding of the Global Structure and Dynamics of the Sun and the Heliosphere
Raouafi, N.E.; Hoeksema, J.T.; Newmark, al. (2023) BAAS 55, 333
(ADS) (astro-ph)
- A8. Accuracy Analysis of the On-board Data Reduction Pipeline for the Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager on the Solar Orbiter Mission
Albert, K.; Hirzberger, J.;Castellanos Durán, J.S. ; Orozco Suárez, D.; Woch, J.; Michalik, H. & Solanki, S.K. (2023) Solar Physics 298, A58
(ADS) (astro-ph)
- A7. Non-LTE formation of the Fe I 6173 Å line in the solar atmosphere
Smitha, H.N.; van Noort, M.; Solanki, S.K. &Castellanos Durán, J.S. (2023) A&A 669, A144
(ADS) (astro-ph)
- A6. Magnetized supersonic downflows in the chromosphere
Sowmya, K.; Lagg, A.; Solanki, S.K. &Castellanos Durán, J.S. (2022) A&A 661, A122
(ADS) (astro-ph)
- A5. How rare are counter Evershed Flows?
Castellanos Durán, J.S. ; Lagg, A. & Solanki, S.K. (2021) A&A Letters 651, L1
(ADS) (astro-ph)
- A4. Ti I lines at 2.2 micron as probes of the cool parts of sunspots
Smitha, H.N.,Castellanos Durán, J.S. ; Solanki, S.K. & Tiwari, S.K. (2021) A&A 653, A91
(ADS) (astro-ph)
- A3. The Statistical Relationship between White-light Emission and Photospheric Magnetic Field Changes in Flares
Castellanos Durán, J.S. ; & Kleint, L. (2020) ApJ 904, 96
(ADS) (astro-ph) (RHESSI science nugget)
- A2. Detection of the strongest magnetic field in a sunspot light bridge
Castellanos Durán, J.S. ; Lagg, A.; Solanki, S.K. & van Noort M. (2020) ApJ 895, 129 (ADS) (astro-ph)
- A1. A Statistical Study of Photospheric Magnetic Field Changes During 75 Solar Flares
Castellanos Durán, J.S. ; Kleint, L. & Calvo-Mozo B. (2018) ApJ 852, 25
(ADS) (astro-ph) (HMI science nugget)
- P8.
Estudio de las velocidades Doppler y su relación con las oscilaciones del campo magnético en la penumbra de las manchas solares
Ordoñez Araujo, F.J.; Calvo Mozo, B. &Castellanos Durán, J.S. (Ciencia En Desarrollo, 1(2E), 55-62.)
- P7.
Fast downflows in a chromospheric filament
Sowmya, K., Lagg, A., Solanki, S. K. &Castellanos Durán, J.S. (arXiv:1912.06586)
- P6.
Metadata and their importance in SO/PHI's on-board data processing
Albert, K., Hirzberger, J., Busse, D.,Castellanos Durán, J.S. , Gutierrez-Marques & P.; Kolleck, M. (arXiv:1912.07919)
- P5.
Performance Analysis of the SO/PHI Software Framework for On-board Data Reduction
Albert, K., Hirzberger, J., Busse, D., Rodríguez, J. Blanco,Castellanos Duran, J. S. , Cobos Carrascosa, J. P., Fiethe, B., Gandorfer, A., Guan, Y., Kolleck, M., Lagg, A., Lange, T., Michalik, H., Solanki, S. K., del Toro Iniesta, J. C. (ASPC 2019, 523, 151).
- P4.
Cambios tipo Heaviside durante flares: Análisis de la componente en la línea de la visual y el vector campo magnético.
Castellanos-Durán, J.S. , Kleint L. & Calvo-Mozo B. (Vol 6 FACIEN. ISBN 2256-3830)
- P3.
El modelo del Backwarming y un nuevo método observacional para entender los flares que emiten luz blanca.
Castellanos-Durán J.S. , & Calvo-Mozo. B. (Vol 6 FACIEN. ISBN 2256-3830)
P2. ¿Qué sabemos de las galaxias?: Comparación de propiedades integradas vs. espacialmente resueltas usando espectroscopía de campo integral.
Castellanos-Durán J.S. , & Rosales-Ortega, F.F. (Vol 6 FACIEN. ISBN 2256-3830)
P1. Caracterización de la emisión en luz blanca y en rayos-X de la fulguración GOES M6.6 del 18 de Febrero de 2011 usando SDO y RHESSI.
Castellanos-Durán, J.S. , Alvarado-Gomez, J.D. & Calvo-Mozo, B. (ISBN 978-958-761-308-7)