Research topics and interests in stellar and planetary astrophysics
My main research interests are late stages of stellar evolution, which are investigated using a variety of methods including in particular asteroseismology and stellar atmosphere modelling; and extra-solar planets, where the focus is on detection and confirmation methods. If you are a PhD/Master/Bachelor/First-year-project student interested in a thesis topic in any of the fields described here (see also "Student training" below), please contact me directly. See here for a complete list of my publications.
Transiting extra-solar planet search
Telescope networks and data reduction techniques
Fun side projects
Asteroid discoveries,
the accretion geometry of cataclysmic variables,
stars pulsating in strange modes,
observations of supernova explosions,
and run-away stars ...
Research collaborations
Scientific research collaborations, involvement in observing campaigns, missions, and network activities.
- Planets beyond the main sequence - theory and observation
Niedersächsisches Vorab
Related publications
Exoplanet Search with the Timing Method
EXOTIME publications
Whole Earth Telescope/DARC
WET/DARC publications
Multi-Site Spectroscopic Telescope
MSST publications
Kepler Asteroseismic Science Consortium
Related publications
PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars
PLATO Data Centre at MPS
Related publications
MOnitoring NEtwork of Telescopes
Publications using MONET data
European Helio- and Asteroseismology Network Community
Student training
PhD student training

Opportunities for potential PhD students occasionally become available through the following schools. Please consult their respective calls and deadlines. If you would like to work with me on a specific stellar astrophysics project, state this in your application and possibly get in contact with me beforehand.
- GRK 1351
Research Training Group funded by the DFG "Extrasolar Planets and their Host Stars"
Note: ends by 2015; no new positions! - IMPRS "Solar System School"
International Max Planck Research School for Solar System Science at the University of Göttingen
IMPRS PhD application

Master student training

In addition to its regular study program towards a Master's degree in physics with a specialisation in astrophysics, the University of Göttingen together with four partner universities abroad alternatively offers a limited number of spaces in the international Astromundus master program. Whether you are a local Göttingen student or an Astromundus student, you are welcome to discuss potential Master thesis topics with me.
Master theses topics
The Master thesis in physics at the University of Göttingen is complemented by the modules Forschungshauptpraktikum Astro- und Geophysik, Planung und Durchführung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten, and Knüpfung und Pflege von Arbeitskontakten. The content of these modules will be matched to your envisioned master thesis topic.
- EXOTIME observations and data interpretation
- Properties of pulsating stars
- Hot white dwarfs
Bachelor theses topics
The bachelor thesis in physics at the University of Göttingen is preceeded by the module called Spezialisierungspraktikum. Both are planned consecutively on an individual schedule depending on the constraints of the research project, the envisioned direction of the work, and the initial skills of the student, discussed ahead of time with the supervisor, so don't hesitate to contact me. Please also see the Richtlinien zur Durchführung von Spezialisierungspraktika und Bachelorarbeiten.
- EXOTIME data analysis
- Binary and multiple stars
- Virtual observatory and data archives
Links to software resources
These collections of useful IDL procedures, currently located on Tübingen servers in the aitlib repository, should be moved elsewhere.
TRIPP manual for the aperture photometry package - SPEX
SPEX manual for the long-slit spectroscopy package
Link to press releases
What to know more but don't want to actually read the original research articles? The link below takes you to an overview of links to general articles or announcements with the intention of explaining some of the more noteworthy research results to a broader audience, among other things.