Using the GDC for SDO


Known bugs

Pegasus/Globus/running the pipeline

There is a known error that seems to have something to do with memory availability. You will see in your error log file (named similar to "drms_mapping0_jid1.err") something like this:
    FITSIO status = 105: couldn't create the named file
    failed to create new file (already exists?):

We are working on it. (tracking)


drms_ mapping.c
There are hard coded maximum values (stddev_limit) for the standard deviation of velocity, continuum and magnetograms to try to weed out bad frames. This is not very good and it is inefficient. The "proper" data will come with QUALITY keywords, which will be implemented in the future instead. Removed this part of the code altogether.

Sometimes this sets an incorrect BSCALE value (of the order of 10^27). This is only for long runs, longer than 900 frames or soe. We have no idea why this happens and are working on it. For this reason there do not exist many 24 hour velocity cubes. Fixed this by writing datacubes as type DOUBLE rather than INT, as well as removing the piece of code which tried to identify lone bad pixels. There was something which did not work properly when it was in the workflow.




gas maskNoticed any bugs? Please contact Hannah electric shock or Raybad egg





Key datasets

Accessing data

Header keywords

Running the Track'n'Map pipeline



JSOC wiki
HMI release notes
SDO/HMI webpage
HELAS local helioseismology


web-master: schunker [at]