Graduate Program

Basic Courses and Introductory Lectures

(3 to 4 weeks of compact courses per year, 2 courses a 15 h per week, repeated on a 3-year basis)

Planets and Small Bodies
Interior and Surfaces
Atmospheres and Magnetospheres
Small Bodies

Solar and Heliospheric Physics
Interior, Helioseismology, Convection, Magnetic Fields
Photosphere and Chromosphere, Radiative Transfer
Corona and Heliosphere

Stellar Structure and Evolution
Galaxies and Cosmology

Plasma Physics
Concepts: Kinetic Theory and Magnetohydrodynamics
Dynamo Theory
Space Plasma Physics

Computational Physics and Data Analysis


Seminar, Retreat and Special Courses

IMPRS Solar System Seminar S3
(fortnightly half-day seminar, 3 talks by students plus 1 tutorial talk, 1 to 2 reports per year per student)

Yearly Retreat
(1-week summer school with courses and external lecturers)

Special Courses

Thesis Preparation

Topics for Special Courses / Summer Schools

Basic Scientific Techniques
Project Management

Extra-Solar Planetary Systems
Active Stars