Guidelines for Presentations
Guidelines for invited and contributed talks
Talk length
Session chairs will be keeping strictly to time. Please check the Program for details of the talks and timings.
Equipment available in the lecture room
Accepted formats for electronic presentations
Mac users should, if possible, test their talk on a MS Windows XP machine beforhand. Elektronic talks may be ftp'd to the conference in advance (see instructions below), or they may be brought on CDROM or USB memory stick. Your presentation should be loaded on the lecture room PC as soon as possible but no later than 08:30 on the day you are speaking in the morning or no later than 13:00 of the day you are speaking in the afternoon. Speakers on Tuesday are particularly encouraged to ftp their talks in advance. In the event that an author wishes to run other software, (s)he needs to use her/his own laptop for the presentation. Please check your system for compatibility with our beamer at least one day in advance! If you have any specific requirements above this, please email the conference at
Guidelines for PostersAll Posters will be displayed throughout the entire conference. You will have board space 95 x 95 cm2. Try to keep your poster within this area (see sketch). If you wish to present a larger poster, please email us at, so we can try to make suitable arrangements.
A beamer for showing relevant movies will be available in the poster area.
Additional Technical Equipment
Talk UploadIt's possible to upload electronic presentations. Speakers on Tuesday are particularly encouraged to do this. Please visit the Talk Upload Page. |