SUMER study #2216: Quiescent prominence

Start Page

Study description and notes

Individual studies

30.Jun.00 20:25-00:12 UT, 355"E / 864"-984"N
02.Jul.00 09:01-12:48 UT, 347"E / 864"-984"N
03.Jul.00 09:01-12:48 UT, 323"E / 864"-984"N
04.Jul.00 09:01-12:48 UT, 296"E / 860"-980"N
05.Jul.00 09:01-12:48 UT, 305"E / 885"-1005"N
06.Jul.00 09:01-12:48 UT, 305"E / 885"-1005"N
07.Jul.00 09:01-12:48 UT, 679"E / 650"-770"N
08.Jul.00 09:04-12:51 UT, 679"E / 650"-770"N
09.Jul.00 09:01-12:48 UT, 679"E / 650"-770"N
10.Jul.00 09:01-12:48 UT, 679"E / 650"-770"N
10.Jul.00 15:56-19:44 UT, 679"E / 669"-789"N
11.Jul.00 09:00-12:48 UT, 759"E / 690"-570"S
12.Jul.00 09:00-09:30 UT, 930"E / 170"-290"N (interrupted)
12.Jul.00 10:11-13:59 UT, 870"E / 480"-360"S
12.Jul.00 16:26-18:24 UT, 870"E / 480"-360"S (interrupted)

For more information please follow the links. The studies of 04./08./10.Jul.00 were selected for a detailed analysis. Their individual pages contain information from other observatories, as well as the six spectral windows averaged. The "more info" links under the windows lead to pages that contain information about approx. sixty lines and continua from these windows. Given are line number, wavelength in Å, formation temperature, and up to five images, namely: individual spectrum, radiance, line shifts (scaled between +/- 30 km/s), line widths (scaled between 10 and 70 km/s), and relative radiance increase due to the prominence. Time runs from left to right. Since the 97 exposures of each study were taken in alternating spectral windows, the gaps are filled instead of leaving them black. The radiance image contains three bars that give the time and location of three 7" intervals that were averaged and spectrally analyzed. They correspond to the "hot", "main", and "cool" regions identified by the relative radiance increases; for 04.Jul.00 "cool" is closer to the limb, "hot" is farther away; for 08.Jul.00 it is vice versa. The white bar on the relative-radiance-increase image gives the assumed position of the photospheric limb.

Line Table of Results ("cool")

Line list with radiance, width, relative increase, etc., and links to further information (27.May.02, updated 27.Sep.02). Please use full screen!

Line Table of Results ("main")

Line list with radiance, width, relative increase, etc., and links to further information (28.Nov.01, updated 24.May.02 and 27.Sep.02). Please use full screen!

Line Table of Results ("hot")

Line list with radiance, width, relative increase, etc., and links to further information (28.May.02, updated 11.Oct.02). Please use full screen!

Results I

Relative intensity and general temperature structure (02.Mar.01, updated 01.Aug.01)

Results II

Intensity increase vs. temperature, line intensities and widths in selected regions (18.May.01, updated 10.Aug.01 and 28.Nov.01)

Results III

H I Lyman lines (14.Aug.01)

Results IV

Line widths vs. "hot/main/cool" regions (29.May.02)

IED, 11.Oct.02