This applies to PhD students who started after 1 October 2006. For those who started before 1 October 2006, see here.
At the beginning of their PhD studies students need to be accepted into the doctoral program of the Faculty of Physics. Also the equivalence of a non-German diploma or master degree needs to be evaluated. For both you have to file an application to the Dean. Together with this application the following documents must be enclosed:
You need to be enrolled at the University during your PhD studies. The following papers are needed:
EU citizens submit the papers to the Studienzentrale, non-EU citizens to the International Student Services, both at Wilhelmsplatz 4, 37073 Göttingen. Observe their opening hours.
Matriculation for the following semesters is done by paying the semester social fees again. In case of a reduced amount because of a stipend, again by proofing the grant of the stipend. Observe the deadlines for matriculation.
During your PhD studies you need to obtain the following academic achievements, each signed by a supervisor or a faculty member in the certificate of academic achievements.
Please check the doctoral degree regulations "Rahmenpromotionsordnung" of GAUSS and "Promotionsordnung" of the Faculties of Science for all details.
Before submission of the PhD thesis, get the agreement of your supervisors. Then choose the six members of your doctoral committee, among them the two referees of your thesis and two examiners for each of the two minor subjects you have chosen for your defense. In case of doubt, ask the Dean for agreement to your choice. Agree with all committee members about a possible date of the defense and make sure that the referees submit their report in time after the submission of the thesis. The date of the defense shall be within three to six weeks after submission. Arrange an appointment with the Dean's office about the submission date.
For the submission of your PhD thesis you need the following papers:
Make sure that the two referees write their reports in time and add them to the file with the papers for your defense. Make further sure that all other members of your committee obtain the file and agree by signing it. The file has to be back at the Dean's office at least one week before the defense date.
The first part of the disputation is open to the public. It consists of a 30 minutes presentation of the PhD thesis by the candidate followed by a discussion of the thesis of about 30 minutes.
The second part of the disputation consists of an examination of the two minor subjects of about 40 minutes before the doctoral committee.
The result of the disputation with the grades of the PhD thesis and of the disputation is announced to the candidate thereafter by the chairperson of the doctoral committee.
The PhD thesis must be published within 1 year after the defense. Only minor corrections like typographical errors and mistakes are allowed. The supervisor has to agree to the revised version by signing a revision paper ("Revisionsschein", see appendix 4 of the Promotionsordnung). There are various options of publication, see paragraph 18 of the Rahmenpromotionsordnung and paragraph 13 of the Promotionsordnung.
The PhD document, dated with the day of the defense, is handed over after publication of the thesis. Only then you are allowed to use your doctor title.