Coronal Spectroscopy and Imaging
The group studies physical processes in the solar chromosphere, transition region and corona, thereby applying both observational techniques and theoretical modelling. The upper solar atmosphere is best observed in the wavelength ranges of the far and extreme ultraviolet and soft X-rays, emissions that are only accessible from space. Our research aims at describing and understanding the fundamental plasma processes at all scales in the upper solar atmosphere and addresses in particular the unsolved problems of coronal heating and solar wind acceleration. We also study atomic radiation processes, ionic excitation and de-excitation, radiation transport and wave-particle interactions.
Science objectives
In our research, which is mainly - but not exclusively - based on ultraviolet imaging and spectroscopy techniques, we are concerned with a number of scientific topics and exploit various methods, including
spectroscopy to study continua and emission lines
- morphology of coronal holes, spicules, sunspots, prominences, filaments, plumes, flares
- coronal heating and energy transport
- plasma flows, jets and transient events; solar wind acceleration
- coronal waves and oscillations
- density and temperature diagnostic, FIP effect, atomic physics
- radiation transport and line profiles
- Sun as a star and stellar spectra, ir/radiance measurements, line identification
Our work is closely connected to solar remote-sensing observations from space, in particular made by the spectrometers and imagers on
MDI), on
Hinode (SOT, XRT, EIS), on
STEREO (EUVI), and on
New data from instruments on future missions like
Solar Orbiter and like
will be accessible to the group and will also be studied by us. Thus we will gradually enlarge and complement the available data archives.
The Team
PhD projects
Various PhD and thesis projects in this field of research are offered and supported by the
Max Planck Research School:
The solar transition region: microflares, explosive events and spicules
Downflows in the solar corona
Quiet Sun mini-CMEs
Diagnostics of the solar corona via vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopy and imaging
Chromospheric and coronal magnetic fields
Coronal holes
Solar Instrumentation
Cooperating Groups
In our research we cooperate with various international groups and institutions. Some of them are listed here:
AIP, Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam (Potsdam)
NRL, Naval Research Laboratory (Washington)
RAL, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (Didcot)
MSSL, Mullard Space Science Laboratory (Holmbury)
IAS, Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale (Paris)
NASA-GSFC, Goddard-Space-Flight-Center (Washington)
KIS, Kiepenheuer-Institut für Sonnenphysik (Freiburg)
PKU-SESS, School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University (Beijing)
LMSAL, Lockheed-Martin Solar and Astrophysics Lab. (Palo Alto)
St. Andrews University, Solar Theory Group (St. Andrews)
Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory (Firenze)
Armagh Observatory, Solar Physics Group (Armagh, Northern Ireland)
SwRI, Southwest Research Institute (Boulder)
CSL Centre Spatial de Liège (Liège, Belgium)
ROB Royal Observatory of Belgium (Brussels)
NAOJ National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (Mitaka, Japan)
SDU-SSSP, School of Space Science and Physics, Shandong University (Weihai, China)