SUMER Studies #2227-31: Flare Watch Sep/Oct 2000

This is meant as a start page for SUMER scientists working on SOHO Campaign #6550 (JOP 104: Doppler Shifts in X-ray Jets). Please note that there is additional information on our Campaign Page.

Here, several "flare watch" studies were selected that are similar to each other and could be processed with standardized software. The SUMER slit pointed off-limb, above active regions. Exposure time was 162.5 s, pointing was 980" E before 13.Oct.00 and 1000" E afterwards. Four lines were selected to represent transition region (S III, S IV), corona (Ca X) and flare (Fe XIX) temperatures. The following links point to the seperate studies. In their 2D images, time runs from left to right.

start date  time(UT)  study  slit  images pointing
----------  --------  -----  ----  -----  --------
24.Sep.00   14:03     2227   1     229    350" S
25.Sep.00   05:17     2228   1     197    350" S
25.Sep.00   20:50     2227   1     219    250" S
26.Sep.00   11:41     2227   1     226    250" S
27.Sep.00   03:20     2227   1     458    250" S
28.Sep.00   06:03     2227   1     453    250" S
29.Sep.00   08:50     2227   1     453    250" S    incl. previous info
30.Sep.00   11:40     2227   1     168    250" S
30.Sep.00   20:11     2229   2     253    450" S
01.Oct.00   11:28     2229   2     209    450" S
01.Oct.00   21:21     2230   1     253    450" S
02.Oct.00   12:38     2230   1     496    450" S
03.Oct.00   15:28     2230   1            450" S       
03.Oct.00   21:01     2230   1            350" N
04.Oct.00   23:31     2230   1            450" N
06.Oct.00   02:37     2230   1            450" N
07.Oct.00   01:12     2230   1            400" N
07.Oct.00   18:51     2229   2            325" S
08.Oct.00   10:08     2229   2            325" S
09.Oct.00   13:11     2229   2            325" S
11.Oct.00   00:29     2231   2            300" S
13.Oct.00   05:26     2231   2            300" N
13.Oct.00   22:02     2231   2            300" N
15.Oct.00   (contd.)
16.Oct.00   (contd.)
16.Oct.00   17:21     2230   1     141    300" N
17.Oct.00   (contd.)  2230   1     508    300" N
18.Oct.00   (contd.)  2230   1     507    300" N
19.Oct.00   (contd.)
20.Oct.00   (contd.)
21.Oct.00   03:03     2230   1     443    300" S
22.Oct.00   (contd.)  2230   1     508    300" S    incl. previous info
23.Oct.00   (contd.)  2230   1     507    300" S
24.Oct.00   (contd.)  2230   1     508    300" S
25.Oct.00   (contd.)  2230   1     522    300" S    incl. previous info
26.Oct.00   04:16     2230   1     253    300" S

IED, 30.May.02